Are you struggling with time management as a result of procrastination? Always leaving things till the last minute and finishing assignments and cramming for exams the night before? Procrastination can be a death penalty for succeeding in university.

This is a personal weakness that you have to overcome to progress further in your life and career. You may be able to get away with it sometimes, but research indicates that successful people act immediately and don’t procrastinate. On top of that, your mind, body and general well being is much better off getting rid of it.

The good news is that there are solutions out there and all within your hands. Here’s one of the tried and tested methods that we’re going to focus on here:

The Pomodoro Technique: A Time Management Skill

It is a time management technique where you divide your day into recommended 25 minute chunks with breaks in between them. So for example, you put a timer at 25 minutes and devote full attention (no phone, gadgets, social media etc..) to the task at hand and then take a 5 minute break. After 4 pomodoros have passed (100 minutes of work time (25mins each) with the accumulated 15 minutes break time (5 mins between each 25 min chunk), you can take a 15-20 min break. You can check the official Pomodoro website if you’d like more guidance on how to use it.

Mastery of the technique may take 7 to 20 days of constant use but you will see the change in your work process and progress almost immediately so keep using it till it becomes a habit!

Its worth mentioning here a popular app called Forest and use it as your timer. It gives you credits for not using your mobile phone (so that its not a distraction) while timing you and you can plant trees around the world with the credits!

Good Luck!



  1. Fadiah

    Sounds interesting, I will try this! It breaks down a task that may seem too big and overwhelming into smaller bits, and I can keep away the distractions for manageable periods. Thanks!


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